About Us

The handloom sector is a symbol of our country’s rich and varied cultural heritage, and is an important source of livelihood in rural and semi-rural parts of our country. It is also a sector that directly addresses women’s empowerment with over 70% of all weavers and allied workers being female. Rooted in nature, it has eco-friendly production processes with minimal requirement of capital and power, and provides flexibility to innovate to meet changes in fashion trends and fast-changing customer preferences.

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Ahilyabai Self Help Group

From Gallery of Ahilyabai Self Help Group

Boat on Calm Water Wintry Mountain Landscape
Mountains in the Clouds Boat on Calm Water
Waves at Sea Yosemite National Park
Khadi and Handloom Centre, Satellite Centre of NIIC, I-3 Foundation, IIT (BHU), Semuar, 486892
+91 91705 23443

2021 © Ahilyabaishg